Monday, 12 September 2016

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Consuming Pepper

Just like I promised in my previous post,I'll be discussing about useful health benefits of PEPPER....Please Read along and make useful comments

What is Pepper?
Pepper is a pungent condiment obtained from various plants of the genus Piper,especially from the dried berries, used whole or ground, of the tropical climbing shrub P. nigrum.
Image result for health benefits of pepperImage result for health benefits of pepper
Pepper definitely has various varieties ranging from the chilli pepper to white pepper,red bell pepper,green peppr etc

I know you might probably be thinking....of what use is pepper to me......RELAX....let me show you and I can assure you, you will never miss that pepper when preparing your meals

But first Note this:Red peppers pack the most nutrtion, because they've been on the vine longest while Green peppers are harvested earlier, before they have a chance to turn yellow, orange, and then red. Compared to green bell peppers, the red ones have almost 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C.

So here the choice is yours....Do you prefer a green pepper or a red pepper...It's definitely your call to make...LET'S DISCUSS THE BENEFITS

Image result for health benefits of pepper
  • A little pepper may go a long way with your health—it might even help ward off breast cancer. A chemical compound in peppercorns called piperine may be able to help prevent a breast cancer tumor from developing, a University of Michigan Cancer Center study suggests.

  • Bell peppers are low in calories! So, even if you eat one full cup of them, you get just about 45 calories. Bonus: that one cup will give you more than your daily quota of Vitamin A and C

  • Pepper is a good source of Vitamin E, which is known to play a key role in keeping skin and hair looking youthful.

  • Bell peppers also contain vitamin B6, which is essential for the health of the nervous system and helps renew cells.

  • Certain enzymes in bell peppers, such as lutein, protect the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration later in life.

  • Red bell peppers contain several phytochemicals and carotenoids,  particularly beta-carotene, which lavish you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

  • The capsaicin in bell peppers has multiple health benefits. Studies show that it reduces ‘bad’ cholesterol, controls diabetes, brings relief from pain and eases inflammation.
  • If cooked for a short period on low heat, bell peppers retain most of their sweet, almost fruity flavor and flavonoid content, which is a powerful nutrient.

  • Pepper is a natural decongestant—it contains chemicals that irritate your mucus membranes, making them produce a thinner, more watery mucus (translation: giving you a runny nose) to help clear out your nasal passages. Just add a few pinches of pepper to a bowl of chicken soup—the perfect comfort food when you’re sick—and you’ll soon be breathing easier.

SO here you have it....Don't you think that pepper is a necessary COMBO when preparing that meal of yours in other to harness it's useful health benefits?


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